Assorted Blueprints

An assortment of complex Blueprints I've scripted for different projects or templates in UE4.

Smooth AI Movement: By using LERPs you can create a much smoother movement.

Movement system designed for smoother movement with mouse and keyboard. Uses curves to fine-tune control movements & acceleration and flips to and out of a lock-on mode.

Player head movement instead of snapping will invert to follow opposite to its current direction using modulo.

Turret that only rotates within a specific range and utilizes dot product to determine if the player is in front of it without. Essentially scripted a smooth movement sensor pawn with less code.

Turret that only rotates within a specific range and utilizes dot product to determine if the player is in front of it without. Essentially scripted a smooth movement sensor pawn with less code.

A simple backstab using normalized vector locations with dot product.

A simple backstab using normalized vector locations with dot product.

A simple hex tiles generator, utilizes modulo with selects to offset the tiles and checks if something moves out of bounds.